Thursday, December 4, 2014

Following Jesus

The truth is dying to yourself daily is freaking hard.
The truth is picking up your cross over and over again hurts.
Being selfish is easy; loving the unlovable is hard work.
Being a new creation in Christ means you just joined the battlefield. Hold on, it is going to get bumpy
Living for Jesus means picking up your full Armor of God every single day. Welcome to war.
Sometimes you want to go back to being carefree. You don’t want to be good; you want to be bad.
Sometimes you don’t want to pray, you want to get emotional and complain.
Being obedient to God, will make you go down on your knees. Cause it sucks so bad sometimes.
You don’t want to walk in Gods Will, your will and way are more comfortable.
Retraining everything you have ever been taught feels like torture on some days.
Why would you want to pray for people, they don’t deserve it.  Hate comes so much more natural.
You rather watch your favorite show than give some hope to the homeless. Say goodbye to a comfy life.
Why would you want to read Gods Word. Walking by Faith makes no sense sometimes.
The cute guy is giving you attention. Loving Jesus and making him number one in your life is not as important anymore.
Having sex feels so good,until you realize that you just gave a part of your soul away.
You want to nag and complain, praying is too much work.
Why should you walk in the Spirit if walking in the flesh is all you have ever known.
Maybe satan is right and this whole Jesus thing is just way to hard!Your life seemed so much easier before.

The truth is Ladies, being a disciple of Jesus Christ is gut wrenching and tough. There is nothing comfy and cozy about dying to yourself. Jesus didn’t say in Matthew 7:14 ‘’For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.’’
The truth is you have been brainwashed by the world and the enemy to be selfish, self-centered and all about yourself. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior the fight begins. You now have eternal life and security in Him, but it takes hard work to transform your ways and your sinful nature.
Will it be worth it? Yes!
Will it be easy? No!
Are you ready to fight and be a warrior princess for Gods Kingdom?


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Idols, Shoes and Boys

'’You are an addict that is going through withdrawal right now.’’ Those words slapped me right in my face. I am not a drug addict, I am not hooked on alcohol and I am not loving reality TV. My drug of choice are men. Males have been my painkiller for half of my life. They distract me, comfort me, make me feel special and beautiful, filling the void that only Jesus can fill. The truth is, I never really learned how to breathe without male attention. 
My entire youth I made an idol out of having a boyfriend, needing someone to complete me, thinking I am not worthy without someone to hold me.  I tried to satisfy myself by getting lost in someone’s arms, thinking that my reason for existing is to feel desired. How wrong I was!
Today I am a recovering maleaholic. Every day I give my pain, disappointments, my idol and my loneliness to God. He can have all my broken pieces, all the lies, all the toxic thoughts and beliefs that have captured my life for so long.
Most of us have an idol in our lives and unless your idol is Jesus, you need to get your stunning self into rehab. The world we live in, satan and your own selfish cravings give you the false hope of security and independence. You are chained to the desire to be rich or skinny, to be married or have premarital sex, in bondage of food or shopping. That empty feeling, that longing for more! It can only be filled by God. You can buy five hundred pair of shoes, or be with the richest man out there, even drop dead gorgeous is not going to stuff that void.
We as humans were created to worship, to fall in love, to be loved back. Unfortunately somewhere along the way sin and your messed up thinking got everything twisted. Now you rather worship Channing Tatum instead of the One who so beautifully created you.
So you constantly run around like a crazy chick, chasing after a life that will never complete you. God is the only One who you should adore and devote your life too. He comes first, second and third.  No man will ever be able to fill you up. Only the pure holiness of Jesus can bring you the joy and fulfillment you so desperately long for.
What are you chasing after? If it is not Jesus, girl it is time to go into rehab!!!

''Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him would not be lost but have eternal life."
John 3:16


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

You are so Loved

There are days when we need to hear Double Truths about Gods Love for us. The days when the enemy is trying to kick you and will place lies in your head, to keep you from all God wants you to become. Today was one of those days for me. I needed to be reminded how crazy in love God is with me and that my worth will always be in Jesus and never in people. This letter is written from a loving God to you! It is my personal journal entry but may it encourage you to never forget who has you in the palm of His hands.

My beloved child,

I know that sometimes you think you are not enough. I know there are days where you feel left alone and shattered by the enemy. I also know that sometimes you just want to cry, give up and turn your back on me.  If you would only know how much I care for you! I am always here, holding you when you feel like you can’t breathe. I am sitting right beside you touching your hand and catching every tear that falls from your eyes. I weep when you weep and my heart fills with joy when I see you smile. I want you to know that even though you feel pain and broken hearted right now, there is nothing that you cannot overcome with my strength.  I send my son Jesus to die for you, so you know how priceless and unending my love is for you. I want you to fall in love with Him. He would sacrifice His life all over again, just to set you free from the bondage you are in. I send Him so you can be free of men’s approval, the desire to be wanted, cherished and needed. If you would only know how much you are already adored. I send Him so you can be restored to the way I always intended it to be. I want you to be free of pleasing others and the world you live in. I want you to be fully depended on me, every minute of every day. You have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. The pain is temporary, I will be eternal. Always remember living in a broken world with broken people will cause suffering and rejection. Don’t turn away from Me now, don’t go back to your former self.  I chose you, you are my masterpiece, created for a specific plan that only you can fulfill. But my daughter, you need to trust Me completely. You need to stop listening to satan’s voice in your head and the opinions of people. You need to be fully secure and free in Me. Finding your complete worth, freedom and peace in Me, your heavenly Father. Humans will constantly disappoint you. Some won’t show you their brokenness, they won’t share their struggles with the world. People sometimes try to keep up the perfect picture on social media, covering up their fears and the nights when they cried out to Me for help. Even though I am strong when men are weak , humans still like to paint a life full of roses and butterflies, hiding their faces behind the veil. Trust me, everyone struggles and until you see Me face to face you are going to have to put on my armor, pick up my weapon and fight every single day. I gave you all the tools to stand firm against the enemy. Once you accepted my Son Jesus you became part of my Family. And in my Family we fight with Holy Spirit authority. The same power that rose from the dead dwells within you. You have Holy Spirit super powers.  Now you have to rethink years of your life, reprogram your mind and pick up your sword. Satan doesn’t like that you are mine now. He hates it and will continuously lie to you. He is scared of the influence you now have on furthering the Kingdom of Love. He will use every lie in the book to deceive you. Remember I am for you, so nobody can be against you. My plan for your life will require you to be bold, fearless and fully dependent on Me. You are now Love and Hope in a broken world. You are pure, holy Love, different than the rest of creation. Stop worrying about people and start loving them instead. Be my child of Love every day. Live your life so people are drawn to you, just because you sparkle with Jesus Love. Remember whose you are, remember the price Jesus paid for you. I love you, not because you did anything for me but because you were always a part of me.  Don’t judge others, always remember you were once lost and then found. I want to use you as my vessel, and love people exactly for who they are. You are mine, because your heart breaks for what breaks mine. You are mine, because you fight against injustice. You are mine because you are not afraid to speak Truth in love. You are mine, because you shine in the darkness. Always seek me, keep your eyes on me, read my promises and love every single soul you come in contact with. Remember you are worth dying for and you are enough.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Calling all Jesus Girls

Almighty God Wants You. 
He needs you to build His Kingdom.
He created you, knit you together for a very specific purpose. The gifts, talents, resources, knowledge and experience you have are necessary to save lives. Your light is required in this dark, destructive world.  God never created you to sit on the sidelines. Jesus never died on the cross so you could be comfortable, while the devil is spreading rape, murder, poverty, depression and diseases like a wildfire. Jesus Girls you are a wanted, needed and required to take up your cross daily. We cannot continue to close our eyes and let the devil have a foothold in this world. You were born to fight, to be a Warrior of Light. Your story and struggles are someone else’s Saving Grace. Don't believe the lies, don't believe your life is nothing but an accident. God needs His army of Jesus Girls to spread love and help the broken hearted. If we don't do it, who will!?

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb.
I thank you, High God-you're breathtaking!
Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration-what a CREATION!
You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth, 
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.
PSALM 139. 13-16; The Message