Thursday, December 4, 2014

Following Jesus

The truth is dying to yourself daily is freaking hard.
The truth is picking up your cross over and over again hurts.
Being selfish is easy; loving the unlovable is hard work.
Being a new creation in Christ means you just joined the battlefield. Hold on, it is going to get bumpy
Living for Jesus means picking up your full Armor of God every single day. Welcome to war.
Sometimes you want to go back to being carefree. You don’t want to be good; you want to be bad.
Sometimes you don’t want to pray, you want to get emotional and complain.
Being obedient to God, will make you go down on your knees. Cause it sucks so bad sometimes.
You don’t want to walk in Gods Will, your will and way are more comfortable.
Retraining everything you have ever been taught feels like torture on some days.
Why would you want to pray for people, they don’t deserve it.  Hate comes so much more natural.
You rather watch your favorite show than give some hope to the homeless. Say goodbye to a comfy life.
Why would you want to read Gods Word. Walking by Faith makes no sense sometimes.
The cute guy is giving you attention. Loving Jesus and making him number one in your life is not as important anymore.
Having sex feels so good,until you realize that you just gave a part of your soul away.
You want to nag and complain, praying is too much work.
Why should you walk in the Spirit if walking in the flesh is all you have ever known.
Maybe satan is right and this whole Jesus thing is just way to hard!Your life seemed so much easier before.

The truth is Ladies, being a disciple of Jesus Christ is gut wrenching and tough. There is nothing comfy and cozy about dying to yourself. Jesus didn’t say in Matthew 7:14 ‘’For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.’’
The truth is you have been brainwashed by the world and the enemy to be selfish, self-centered and all about yourself. Once you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior the fight begins. You now have eternal life and security in Him, but it takes hard work to transform your ways and your sinful nature.
Will it be worth it? Yes!
Will it be easy? No!
Are you ready to fight and be a warrior princess for Gods Kingdom?


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