Saturday, November 29, 2014

Idols, Shoes and Boys

'’You are an addict that is going through withdrawal right now.’’ Those words slapped me right in my face. I am not a drug addict, I am not hooked on alcohol and I am not loving reality TV. My drug of choice are men. Males have been my painkiller for half of my life. They distract me, comfort me, make me feel special and beautiful, filling the void that only Jesus can fill. The truth is, I never really learned how to breathe without male attention. 
My entire youth I made an idol out of having a boyfriend, needing someone to complete me, thinking I am not worthy without someone to hold me.  I tried to satisfy myself by getting lost in someone’s arms, thinking that my reason for existing is to feel desired. How wrong I was!
Today I am a recovering maleaholic. Every day I give my pain, disappointments, my idol and my loneliness to God. He can have all my broken pieces, all the lies, all the toxic thoughts and beliefs that have captured my life for so long.
Most of us have an idol in our lives and unless your idol is Jesus, you need to get your stunning self into rehab. The world we live in, satan and your own selfish cravings give you the false hope of security and independence. You are chained to the desire to be rich or skinny, to be married or have premarital sex, in bondage of food or shopping. That empty feeling, that longing for more! It can only be filled by God. You can buy five hundred pair of shoes, or be with the richest man out there, even drop dead gorgeous is not going to stuff that void.
We as humans were created to worship, to fall in love, to be loved back. Unfortunately somewhere along the way sin and your messed up thinking got everything twisted. Now you rather worship Channing Tatum instead of the One who so beautifully created you.
So you constantly run around like a crazy chick, chasing after a life that will never complete you. God is the only One who you should adore and devote your life too. He comes first, second and third.  No man will ever be able to fill you up. Only the pure holiness of Jesus can bring you the joy and fulfillment you so desperately long for.
What are you chasing after? If it is not Jesus, girl it is time to go into rehab!!!

''Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in Him would not be lost but have eternal life."
John 3:16


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